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    "N" and "NN" Heater Element. N Series Motor Starter Heater and Starter Switches.

    "N" and "NN" Heater Element. N Series Motor Starter Heater and Starter Switches.
    "N" and "NN" Heater Element. N Series Motor Starter Heater and Starter Switches.
    Item# nheaterelement
    List Price: $39.00
    YOU PAY ONLY: $5.00
    Availability: Contact us for availability
    Stock limited. Call for availability.

    About this Item:

    "N" and "NN" Heater Element. N Series Motor Starter Heater and Starter Switches.
    We have limited stock and these are NEW motor starter heaters, NOT salvage or refurbs. They've been on our shelves a while...

    *Find your starter Number ABOVE (eg. N15) and contact us to order. Stock is getting very low and availability is limited. We only have a few left of each size.